Yes. You can cancel an order up to 30 minutes before showtime. Drive-in movies, private parties and other special events/screenings may have different cancellation policies. Make sure to check the applicable policies to your showing before buying tickets.
In your confirmation email from Atom, tap the “View Details” button. Scroll down and tap the "Cancel" button, then tap "Refund", then select “Confirm.” If you choose to refund, the order fees will not be included in the refund amount. You do have the option of creating an Atom account where you can then select Atom Cash as the refund option and the full dollar amount of the order, including any order fees, will be deposited and stored in your Atom Cash account.
Charges to your credit or debit card will be refunded in 3-5 business days (7-10 business days for third party payment methods like Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and Venmo). If you need to cancel an order after the movie has started, contact a theater manager or send us an email to
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